19 June 2011

When I am not swimming where I wish I was

The surroundings are wonderful. The forest is very green and dark, dark green (1). A river is running through the high trees. The light reflects on their branches like hundreds of butterflies flying high (2). On the floor, it's all dark and green, dark green. Despite it's darkness, the forest is not scary. How could it be? There a dozens of people here. Boats, riding along the river, people waiting on the bank for the next one to take them on a cruise. There are gondolas, floating boats, barks and many different kind of small and colorful boats. All following the same path up and down. Taking somebody on board, going down, back up, emptying the boat, taking somebody on board, going down etc... Venice in a forest.
As many others, my (dream) boyfriend and I are queuing for a boat. A Chinese guy rides his orange inflatable boat up to us. There are three seats so he asks if we are ok to share with the girl behind us. "Sure" we say.
The boat is not stable and as we try getting in, the three of us plunge in the deep dark river. As I am falling I can't help thinking that the texture of the water is not right. It's too thick. Not jelly like but thick enough to make the fall fell quite slow. I want to open my eyes to know what's around us but decide that I'd better not know what I am swimming in. I also realise that we're holdings hands. I am holding one of her hands and one of his and so are they. The three of us are falling like a circle. The we go down for several seconds during which I don't move. I let myself fall until I understand that I can't swim up while holding their hands. I need to let one at least go. I open my right hand and start swimming up.
We reach the wooden bank, somebody helps us up. The girl and I first, my boyfriend after. We cough and spit the water. His black hair and thin body drench, he looks at me. I can see in his eyes the disappointment and question forming: "Why did you let go off my hand?".
A while later, I am with two friends at our hotel's swimming pool. We want to go for a last swim before leaving. The swimming pool is huge, probably several hundred square meters, so no surprise, we want to make the most of it! I decide we should check out first, so we don't waste time going to reception after which allows us to  save several swimming party minutes.
 E, agrees, "whatever" she says. But the other one doesn't want to hear about it! She wants to swim now and care about the rest later, so short sighed! I am getting angry. She starts getting angry until I shout "Connnasse" at her (1) then walks toward the reception. Shame is, I get lost in the stables and will never get to the reception or the swimming pool by the time I wake up...

(1) Excuse my French

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:14 pm

    In my life, I've had thousands of dreams of me drowning. And every time I have the same reactions. However, I never remember insulting my friends that way ...
